Baby Eliana Marie's Baby Shower

IF ANYONE HAS ADDITIONAL PICTURES, PLEASE E-MAIL ME AT We headed to CA for 5 nights. The prime reason was to go to their baby shower held at Jessica's parents' (Karen and Randy) home. Arik and Jessica bought a beautiful house in Sacramento in which we stayed. Her parents are wonderful and we look forward to "hanging out" once we get there when the baby is born. We met Dee, Karen's mom, Randy's parents and Karen and Randy's 2 sons and too many others to name. We we were recruited to help cook (YES cook! ) and had a lot of fun learning how to roll, stuff and chop! Along with the kids taking us to see ELF they also let us sit with them while Jessica had a 3D ultrasound. Those of you our age will be blown away by this technology. So meet Eliana.... Opening presents at home. CANDIDS ...