Good News


It was a long day. It started by getting a bone density scan which came back two hours later! Everyone knows we want to head east and is putting a rush on things. The scan was good. No notable change since last year so I haven't shrunk. Another appointment bites the dust.

Got a call from my medical oncologist's office. Actually several. One was to tell me they put a rush on the path report for my onco  score and to come in tomorrow to see Dr A.  The report was on its way. Another call from Trish...path report...score of 13!! NO CHEMO needed. (Well pending Monday's PET scan.)

We'll see Dr K Friday and she'll decide on a radiation schedule though I am not totally healed. It will probably be another two weeks.

Tomorrow is the dermatologist who will burn off the pre-cancerous area on my ear and Friday, I will get big news. 

 Please please don't tan. Wear sunscreen even if it's cloudy.


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